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2009 (Nov.13) 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Charles Darwin (4v set) - 200 лет со дня рождения Чарлза Дарвина (4м.) (†)
(Sc.)(Mi.)(Yv.)(SG ) 4v set:
(Sc.)(Mi.)(Yv.)(SG ) 35p Camarhynchus
pallidus - Дятловый древесный вьюрок (Ru) - Woodpecker Finch (En)
(Sc.)(Mi.)(Yv.)(SG ) 40p Amblyrhynchus cristatus - Морская игуана (Ru) - Marine Iguana (En)
(Sc.)(Mi.)(Yv.)(SG ) 50p Geochelone nigra - Галапагосская черепаха (Ru) - Galapagos Tortoise (En)
Phalacrocorax harrisi - Flightless Cormorant (En)
(Sc.)(Mi.)(Yv.)(SG ) £2 Spheniscus mendiculus - Галапагосский пингвин (Ru) - Galapagos Penguin (En)
35p Woodpecker Finch
Darwin observed that several islands had their own form of finch which were all
different but closely related. Puzzling over these birds, that differed mainly
in the size and shape of their beaks, when he was back in London led Darwin
towards formulating the principal of natural selection. Subsequent research has
confirmed Darwin’s belief that a single species had dispersed to different
islands and then evolved into at least 13 different species as they adapted to
suit different food types in a process known as adaptive radiation. As shown on
the stamp, the Woodpecker Finch uniquely uses twigs and cactus spines as a tool
to compensate for its short tongue if it’s unable to dislodge its prey.
40p Marine Iguana
Darwin wrote that ‘the black Lava rocks on the beach are frequented by large
most disgusting clumsy Lizards’. These large (3 feet or more) reptiles, which
demonstrate the unique evolution and adaption of Galapagos fauna, must have
fascinated Darwin who made extensive observations about them. Looking quite
fearsome or ‘hideous’ as Darwin put it, they are in fact harmless. It is one of
the most unusual creatures in the Galapagos and the only lizard to swim in the
50p Galapagos Tortoise
The most recognised symbol of the Galapagos is perhaps the tortoise. Darwin
remarked ‘These animals grow to an immense size .... several so large that it
required six or eight men to lift them from the ground.’ Prior to the arrival of
man the tortoise had no predators and the largest thrived, a process called
Island Gigantism. Known to live for more than 150 years the tortoise played an
important role in Darwin’s theory of evolution as he was to learn that tortoises
from different islands had noticeably different characteristics.
Ј2 Galapagos Penguin
The Galapagos Penguin is endemic to the Galapagos Islands, and the only penguin
to live near the Equator. They were brought to the Galapagos by the Humboldt
Current, which brings cold waters and nutrients north from Antarctica. The heat
is a problem for them. Years with warmer waters from the El Nino Current can see
reductions in the small population as it causes a shortfall in the small fish
that they eat. To keep themselves cool in the water they will hold out their
flippers and on land spread them over their feet to protect them from sunburn.
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Начато: 12.2009 Обновлено: 12.2009