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Vita 00001Inferibionta 00054

Regnum Vendobionta Seilacher, 1992, Dolf, 1992 (now renamed Vendozoa)
(Царство Низшие многоклеточные организмы = Вендобионты) = Inferibionta
† - 00054

Divisio incertae

Genus incertae †

x [Unknown fossil, ?Kimberella † 00352, 01391] http://www.abc.net.au/science/news/ancient/AncientRepublish_984724.htm
The South Australian Museum, North Terrace Adelaide 5000 http://www.samuseum.sa.gov.au/page/default.asp?site=1&page=Science_Collections&id=796&fragPage=1 

Divisio Petalonamae Pflug, 1970 = "Quilted" Vendobionta Adolf Seilacher, 1992 †

Classis Erniettamorpha Pflug, 1972

Familia Erniettidae Pflug, 1972

Genus Ernietta

Genus Swartpuntia


[Swartpuntia is a monospecific genus of rangeomorph from the terminal Ediacaran period, with at least three quilted, leaf-shaped petaloids — probably five or six. The petaloids comprise vertical sheets of tubes filled with sand. Swartpuntia specimens range in length from 12 to 19 cm, and in width from 11.5 to 140 cm. The margin is serrated, with a 1 mm wide groove. A 14 mm wide stem extends down the middle, tapering towards the top, and stopping 25 mm from the tip. The stem has a V shaped ornamentation on it. The original fossils were found at and named after, the Swartpunt farm between Aus and Rosh Pinah in Namibia. The name Swartpunt means black point referring to the colour of the rocks. The germsi species name honours Gerard Germs, who studied the Nama formation of geological beds.

They are preserved in sandstone beds in the Spitzkopf Member from the Nama formation, which lie above an ash bed dated at 543±1 million years old, and occur until the very end of the Ediacaran beds in this locality (Narbonne et al. 1997): the start of the Cambrian period is dated 542 million years ago. Whilst Swartpuntia has since been found in south-western North America, it does not appear to have had a global distribution — indeed, its seemingly limited range has been used to provide palæogeographical reconstruction (Hagadorn & Waggonner 2000).

The shape of Swartpuntia resembles other rangeomorphs Pteridinium and Charniodiscus, both fronds with alternating segments; interestingly, the segments' microstructure resembles that of Dickinsonia. This combination of features suggests close relationships between the Ediacaran biota, and lends credence to their membership of a separate phylum (Seilacher's Vendobionta). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swartpuntia ]

Familia Pteridiniidae Richter,1955 [though maybe this family belongs with the Anthozoa or even the Trilobozoa?]


Classis Rangeomorpha Pflug, 1972 †

Familia Charniidae Glaessner, 1979 †

Genus Charniodiscus Ford, 1958 †

Species Charniodiscus arboreus Glaessner, 1959 † = Charniodiscus arborea Glaessner, 1959 †


       x  [Ediacaran fossils]

Species: Charniodiscus oppositus Jenkins and Gehling, 1978 †, Charniodiscus procerus LaFlamme et al., 2004 †, Charniodiscus spinosus LaFlamme et al., 2004 †

Familia Rangeidae †

Genus Rangea



Divisio Proarticulata (Отдел Проартикуляты)  [? Classis] [? ‘Metameric’ Taxa]

Ordo Dipleurozoa †

Familia Dickinsonidae Harrington et Moore, 1955 = Dickinsoniidae Harrington et Moore, 1955 †

[The affinities of Dickinsonia are uncertain. It is thought by some to be an annelid worm because it somewhat resembles the Polychaete worm Spinther. It has also been interpreted as a jellyfish, coral, sea anemone, and a lichen. Brian Morton argues that Dickonsonia is close to the ancestry of the chordates. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dickinsonia]

Genus Dickinsonia Sprigg, 1947 † [также предполагаемый предок (что спорно) кольчатых червей 00007, Венд] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dickinsonia

        x [Ediacaran fossils] 

Species: Dickinsonia brachina Wade, 1972 †, Dickinsonia costata Sprigg, 1947 †, Dickinsonia elongata Glaessner et Wade, 1966 † = Dickinsonia rex Glaessner & Wade, 1966 †, Dickinsonia lissa †, Dickinsonia tenuis Glaessner et Wade, 1966 †

[И. Т. Журавлева в соавторстве с Е.И. Мягковой опубликовала монографию, в которой дано обоснование совершенно новой системы древнейших примитивных животных, которые были приспособлены к оседлому (прикрепленному к морскому дну) образу жизни с фильтраторным типом питания. Было выделено новое царство организмов Inferibionta с двумя подцарствами - Archaeata (включающая археоциат и другие вымершие группы) и Porifera (ископаемые и современные губки).]

[Ediacaran fossils were described from the Fermeuse Formation on the Avalon Peninsula – specifically, Aspidella terranovica was named – by E. Billings in 1872. A second assemblage was described from Namibia sixty years later (Gürich 1933). Nevertheless, the assemblage acquired its name from a third and even later discovery, made by Reginald Sprigg in March 1946, at an abandoned copper/lead/zinc mine in the Ediacara Hills, Flinders Range, north of Adelaide in South Australia. Since then, occurrences have been located on most continents.]


Divisio incertae

Ordo incertae †

Familia Spigginidae Glaessner, 1958 †

[Spriggina has been classified as a vendobiont, an annelid 01392 and an arthropod 01393 . It resembles a trilobite 00055 , and may be an ancestor of them.]

Genus Spiggina

    [Ediacaran Fossils] 

Species Spriggina floundersi Glaessner † [From the Vendian Pound Quartzite of the type locality, Ediacara, South Australia. Overall length about 10 cm.]


Vendobionta incertae sedis

Genus Mawsonites Glaessner & Wade, 1966 † ["fossil jellyfish"] - [Проблемная систематика, ? Hydrozoa 01396]

x [Ediacaran Fossils]

Species Mawsonites spriggi Glaessner & Wade, 1966 †


Ссылки - Links
Систематика и доп. иллюстрации даны по http://bvi.rusf.ru/sista/s50668.htm#t
Фауна этого типа первоначально была названа эдиакарской по названию местности Эдиакара в Южной Австралии http://evolution.powernet.ru/library/life2/life.html
Лаборатория докембрийских организмов ПИН РАН http://vend.paleo.ru/collection.php
Википедия http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vendozoa
The Ediacaran Assemblage http://www.peripatus.gen.nz/paleontology/ediacara.html
Систематика http://www.biolib.cz/en/taxon/id427626/












Начато: 20.03.2007   Обновлено: 16.10.2007, 12.04.2008, 05.2009, 03.2010

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